I mean! Could you resist it?
As for “Sylvia”, I finished the spinning. The first skein – from from the fiber that I’d washed, combed, then carded – weighs 2.90 ounces and has 296 yards. I did manage to get a bit of a streaky effect, but not as dramatic as I’d hoped. I’m still optimistic that I’ll get a nice effect when it’s knitted up.
The second skein – from just the darkest of the extra fiber that Sylvia had washed and combed and given to me – weighs .85 ounces and has 86 yards. I plan to use it for the toes of the socks.
For both skeins, I spun the singles on my Reeves upright wheel, using the smaller of the two whorls. It was a wonderful opportunity to concentrate on the spinning needs of this most magnificently springy fiber. I then plied the yarns on my Louet S10-DT, also using the smallest whorl.
Here’s a picture of the two skeins sitting atop the sheep fabric (I think the lighter skein has much more personality than shows in this photo):

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