Saturday, March 10, 2012

Out of the Dog House

I got home yesterday from my dog sitting sabbatical.  You may be wondering what on my long ambitious list did I actually accomplish.  Even if you’re not wondering….

I am a list maker.  I make a list every day of what I hope to do that day.  I almost always make the list way too long to actually finish in one day.  So, I’m used to not checking everything off the list, as was the case while dog sitting.

I did spin, but not much.  I only finished one skein from the Coopworth-Mohair roving.  Here it is.

Knitting went better….after a fashion.  I was making impressive progress on the Brick Road Afghan.  This afghan is knitted from three colors, with some striping.  Here are the colors I’m using.

The first time I knitted this afghan, the overall color/shade order was medium – light – dark- light – medium.  So, I started this current afghan with the same order.  I got nearly half way done (and this is a BIG afghan, using 3 pounds of yarn) before I decided I really really didn’t like the sequence of color stripes.  I decided to undo the whole thing and re-knit.  Now it’s light – medium – dark – medium – light.  And I got about 1/3 done:

I have to say that my rigid heddle loom compelled me the most.  I got four scarves finished.  Here’s a picture of the scarves.

Perhaps you noticed there are five scarves.  The one on the left I wove just before I did dog duty.  But they’re all made from the same cluster of bamboo yarns….except for the two on the right.  They have a warp from the bamboo yarns but the weft is a thin cotton textured yarn that is a creamy white color.

I’ve still got enough bamboo yarn for perhaps two more scarves.  To be done soon.

But today, my spinning wheel is calling me.  


  1. Beautiful scarves! I think I may have that same colorway of the Coopworth :-).

  2. The yarn is lovely -- your plying looks just perfect.

  3. That Coopworth is so wonderful to spin; it practically spins itself. Carol Wagner (Hidden Valley) does a fantastic job with her fibers!
