Saturday, April 28, 2012

Love Those Lock Yarns

For the past while I have been exploring the spinning of yarns that incorporate locks, both mohair and wool locks.  These yarns can be slow to make, but the resulting charm is worth the extra effort.  Here are some of these yarns:

The left most yarn is a two-ply with one of the plies from dyed Teeswater locks, and the other ply from a CVM-tussah silk blend that was dyed with indigo and osage (roving from Handspun by Stefania). 

Next is a two-ply yarn with both plies from undyed Bluefaced Leicester top (Riverwinds Farm)  with bits of kid, yearling, and adult mohair locks “caged” in.  Most of the locks were dyed; the grey locks were a natural color.  I got those lovely locks from Marie Glen who raises fiber animals in Kansas. 

In the middle is a two-ply yarn from wool roving (Puff’s fleece, I think) blended by hand with some faintly dyed kid mohair locks.

Next right is a two-ply yarn from undyed Bluefaced Leicester top.  This time I inserted BFL dyed locks into the plying.

The right most yarn is a tiny experimental skein of two plies of Puff with intermittent insertion of undyed Wesleydale locks.  I tried to maintain the lock structure and have them “hang out”, but they kept getting caught on the bobbin hooks and so the locks are rather flicked or combed out more than I wanted.  Ah, well.

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