Despite the winter views, I am getting ready for this year’s Spring Fiber Fling. It’s a weekend fiber retreat held each year in Pickford, Michigan (in the eastern Upper Peninsula).

This year the dates are May 13-15. And the registration deadline is April 23. If you want to download a pdf file of the brochure, go to my website. Or, contact Lois Robbins, loisrobbins@gmail.com, 906-632-3689.
I’ll be teaching two workshops: “Spinning With Silk Hankies” and “Knitting Petoskey Stone Medallions”. This’ll be the first time teaching the petoskey stone workshop. I’ve been knitting medallions like crazy lately to make sure my pattern directions are correct.
Here’s a picture of a pile of mostly petoskey stones in my front yard perennial garden (before the snow fell):

And here’s a picture of a pile of recently knitted medallions and the yarns I’m using.

I have a Petoskey stone :-). They are my favorites! Can't wait to see the finished project!