Fliers for fiber events just keep comin’ in the mail. Yipee!!
Next month, I’m headed to the Midwest Weavers Conference, “Northern Wefts”, in Hancock, Michigan. I so look forward to visiting the Keweenaw Peninsula again. This conference is going to pack a punch. The line up of instructors is quite impressive (and I’m not just saying that because I’m one of them!). There are workshops for everyone. There are also tours to go on and many exhibits to see.

I’ll be teaching a three-day pre-conference workshop entitled, “The Spin-Knit Nexus”. We’ll be exploring ways of spinning combinations of yarns that would be difficult to find among commercial yarns, and then knitting swatches and figuring out ways to use these yarns in knitted projects.
I then have one day off. My plan has been to spend most of that day at the Seaman Mineral Museum on the campus of Michigan Tech University in Houghton, Michigan. My first visit to this amazing museum was a few years ago. I spent hours there, and I only saw half of the exhibit. I can hardly wait to see the rest! Unfortunately, according to their website, the museum is currently closed for renovation and won’t be open again until July. How disappointing! I guess I’ll just have to visit it some other time.
Then I teach two 1-day workshops: “Beginning Spinning”, and “Blending Colors at the Wheel”. Both so fun!
Another flier that recently arrived is for the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival in Jeffferson, Wisconsin. This’ll be my fourth year teaching at this wonderful event.

I love taking the ferry across Lake Michigan, I love seeing all the fiber animals, and I love all the fiber and fibery people!!! I’ll be teaching: “Creating the Yarn You Want”, “Spinning & Knitting Goat Fibers”, “Spinning Marl Yarns” and “Mechanics of Your Wheel”.
I also received a flier for the NYS Sheep & Wool Festival in Rhinebeck, New York.

It’s a delightful drive (although it takes 2 days to get there) and a delightful event. I’ve enjoyed the folks who organize everything, I’ve enjoyed the folks who vendor fabulous mechandise, I’ve enjoyed the other fiber arts instructors that I’ve met there, and I’ve especially enjoyed the folks who’ve participated in my workshops.
This year I’ll be teaching: “Creating the Yarn You Want”, “Spinning with Commercial Yarns”, “Spinning Marl Yarns”, “Mechanics of Your Wheel”, "Spinning with Silk Hankies", and "I-Cord Edges and More!". A swell line-up.
So, go to one of these events. Revel in fiber. It’s good for the soul.
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