Interquilten is a lovely quilt shop in Interlochen, Michigan. Tawni Gilmer is the proprietress. She carries not only a vast selection of quilting items, but also some of my handspun yarns and my knitting patterns.
This weekend Interquilten is part of a six-shop “shop hop”. Quilt shops in Interlochen, Traverse City, Charlevoix, Cedar, Bellaire, and Williamsburg are participating in the 2011 Amazing Quilt Race Shop Hop, August 13 – 20.
Tawni has offered me a table so that I could sell some of my wares during the shop hop. So, on Saturday, August 13, I will be at Interquilten. I’ll be spinning on my Reeves upright spinning wheel, and I have some knitted items for sale, such as this lovely afghan in a slip stitch pattern from a luscious wool-alpaca yarn. I've called it “Peruvian Pebbles”:
And a grey version of my “Dream Shawl”. Here’s a picture of a version in green:
And my Petoskey stone wall hanging, “Petosegay – Sunbeams of Promise”:
I’ll also have some of my inkle weaving, including dog leashes (if I get the sewing done!) and bookmarks:
And some scarves that I’ve woven on my Ashford Knitter’s Loom:

And, don’t forget my handspun yarns and knitting patterns.
If you’re in the neighborhood, stop by. And if you mention reading this blog post, I’ll give you a 10% discount on any of my knitted or woven items (but not yarns or patterns).
Interesting and lovely items for sale, Amy! How was your day at Interquilten???